Divorce Decor with guest Jodi Topitz


Real Estate and Money ShowThursday September 11th, 2014 Antoinette Gangi and Marc Demetriou welcome Jodi Topitz Interior Stylist, Divorce Decor Expert and Founder of we2me® to the Real Estate and Money Show at 10am on WVNJ 1160 on your am dial.

Divorce Decor  with guest Jodi Topitz Show Topics

    • DOWNSIZING (real estate/money) Going from old space to new space- What goes, what stays, what gets thrown out, what gets stored, what looks good in the new space- downsizing efficiently saves a lot of money and addresses the new found real estate aesthetically to maximize the new property
    • HOME STAGING (real estate/money) By making the house more salable and knowing what buyers are looking for, financially reaps more money for the sellers and speeds up the sale.
    • PERMANENCY (real estate/therapeutic) Creating a sense of permanency through color & design after being uprooted from everything you know is crucial, especially where kid’s are involved. Putting effort & money into your new space says “I’m not going anywhere, this is home”
    • STRATEGIC GAME PLAN (real estate/money/therapeutic) Assessing what is needed- Do you need a realtor- a financial advisor (specializing in divorce)- a painter- a roofer or a family therapist- have a professional entourage of help.

Divorce Decor with guest Jodi Topitz

pink-jodi-photo-solidwebJodi Topitz, founder of we2me® has over 30 years of experience as a professional artist, color consultant, fashion designer and interior stylist. Jodi’s career began as a fashion illustrator and jewelry designer in Manhattan. Since 1994, Jodi has provided her expert interior styling and all surface artistry to residential and commercial spaces, specializing in color direction, furniture placement, room accessorizing, customized murals, faux finishes, and mosaic art. Jodi has appeared on television and radio and has provided numerous clients with ways to achieve happiness in their home surroundings. Over the course of these years, Jodi observed that whether moving to a new home, or reclaiming the space you are in, was extremely stressful, especially for women in transition (divorce, loss of a spouse, retirement, empty nest or relocation). As someone who has personally experienced “we to me,” Jodi created this site to offer advice and resources for others who are transitioning to “me.” we2me Company Description- we2me® helps you rediscover yourself as you go from “we to me” (married to single) by designing a space that celebratesyour personal style. Together, we create an instantaeous, positive psychological effect through the proper choice of color, furniture placement, organization and room accessorizing. Through one to one consultations, you begin to let go of the past and embrace the future.we2me® is where the art of aesthetic living creates that perfect space to promote emotional well being and a positive state of mind… so let’s get your MOJO back through Color & Design! Warm regards Jodi