The Next America-Thriving and Surviving in an Unpredictable Economy


Real Estate and Money Show PodcastThursday September 25th, 2014 Antoinette Gangi and Marc Demetriou welcome economic development economist Don Holbrook author of The Next America-Thriving and Surviving in an Unpredictable Economy. Listen to the Podcast.


Show Topics

  • The Economic Recovery as of 2014 and what is coming next over the horizon
  • Is this current economic situation past the tipping point of economic concerns and what can we do about it?
  • Is this current recovery sustainable and if not what are the concerns we should be aware of and how do we all handle it?
  • How has all this impacted our human nature of spirituality and self-confidence in the hope for a brighter future?
  • What major growth sectors are there in this current economy and why?
  • What can communities do to prepare themselves for further economic challenges and how can they come out ahead?

The Next America-Thriving and Surviving in an Unpredictable Economy by Don Holbrook

I am an economic development economist that has worked for over 25 years in the area of consulting to local communities and cities on how to rebuild their economies to be competitive and how to attract more jobs and investment into their locales to not only sustain and grow their current local economy but also further diversify them. I am a Fellow Member of the International Economic Development Council, in Washington DC and have authored ten books in the field of Economic Development. My work and collaborations have contributed to the creation of over 50,000 jobs and over a billion dollars of investment during my career.

The Next America-Thriving and Surviving in an Unpredictable Economy